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The  current  world  is  witness to  a  rapid  increase  in  the  understanding and  ubiquitous  deployment  of  miniaturized,  low  power,  highly versatile  and  smart  cum  intelligent  sensors  in  a  variety  of  areas related to healthcare, safety and security. Today, a sensor needs to operate  continuously  day  and  night  and  in  all  weather  conditions and  thus,  Sensor  system  development  from  idea,  R&D,  and prototype  development  to  practical   application  remains  an innovative  enterprise-wide  science  and  technological  activity  with great potential for critical contributions in strategic fields like space and terrestrial exploration, environmental monitoring detection of toxic airborne chemical and biological agents, drugs and explosives, humanitarian  needs  of  imaging  through  obscurants  like  fog,  dust, haze,  smoke,  clothing,  walls  etc,  to  military  missions detection  of landmines and buried objects, guided missile detection systems, to name  a  few.  With the global market  for  sensors  expanding  at  a phenomenal  rate,  it  has  become  obligatory  on  the  part  of  the  sensor design specialist to innovate, accommodate and integrate the ever increasing demands of the sensor industry into  a  single sophisticated  next  generation  sensor  system  with  advanced capabilities.


The primary aim of this conference will be therefore  to provide a unique  opportunity  for  students,  research  scholars,  scientists  and engineers in India to present and share their experiences and latest research  findings,  ideas  and  technological  developments  and applications  in  the  area  of  sensors  and  sensing  technology.


The conference will include keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as original state-of-the-art contributions and review papers from students and research scholars and scientists. The conference will also provide an opportunity to interact with the scientists from the nation’s premier defence  organization  (DRDO) and thus encourage and motivate greater number of post graduate science  students  to  get  involved  in  the  process  of  design  and development of crucial sensors and thus contribute indirectly to the task  of  Nation Building.   

Theme of the Conference

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